Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tough Day

Today was tough! I woke at 6am and hit the ground running. I put 6 pounds of sweet potatoes in the crockpot to cook, got ready for the day, did all my blood sugar and lung testing and headed to the church by 8am to get ready for my morning meetings.

At 9am the committee that is planning the Candlelight service met with me to go over what the plan is for this year. I am very excited at what they are planning and I think this will be a fabulous service. At 10am I met with the ministry staff. We laughed, we planned, I shared what was going on medically with me. I firmed up December's preaching schedule, it is always hard for me to give up preaching time! And we went over the calendar. Of course all through both meetings I was in and out of the bathroom struggling withe the nausea and GI issues that have plagued me for months. It makes it very hard to get much done.

By 11:30 we were wrapping things up and I headed to the Fire Hall to sign some checks. while I was there I texted my primary care dr to alert him as to what was going on and I was directed to come to his office and pick up a new medication for IBS, since my gasteroenterologist thinks I am having a systemic reaction to the trauma my body is facing.

From there I headed into McMinnville hoping to actually find a pair of pants that would fit me since I have dropped yet more weight. I headed to Ross Dress for less and actually scored big. Two pairs of pants that fit (sigh, size 2) I cannot lose any more weight, a shirt, a sweater and miracles if miracles, 2 pairs of boots that actually fit! I spent much more than I had planned, but any time I find shoes that fit me, I have to buy them.

While I was shopping, I called the immunologist's office to alert them I had not heard from the pharmaceutical company about treatment. In a few minutes I got a call from the the Dr himself letting me know that he did not have my blood tests results back yet. He told me he would find out what was happening and then call me back. It wasn't that long when he called to tell he that the lab had been late in sending it out to Montana. It would be up to 7 days before he got results. The problem is that if the blood tests show that I have IGA antibodies it would change the course of treatment. I told him I was not going to die in the next 7 days and we could afford to wait until we knew. And that is when he told me the plan was to have me try this brand new sub cue treatment. But only 2 grams a day for 4 days in a row. And that is when my eyes filled with tears as I thought about the reality of four days of treatment. But I managed to not blubber to the Dr and say good bye.

From there I grabbed a fast food lunch, which turned out to be a bad idea because my stomach did not like it and then headed to Walmart to pick up a few things. It was 3pm by the time I got out and I  threw things in the car and headed back to Sheridan to pick up the new meds and then to stop at the Fire Hall to update them on the latest news from the immunologist.

I am so blessed to have friends I can cry with, and laugh with and be loved. For the next hour I leaned on them as they breathed life and comfort into me. The Fire Chief came and joined us and we laughed and shared wild stories. And that is when the chimney fire toned out. Chief and I sat there looked at each other and decided to listen to it on the radio. If it got bigger than the chimney we would head over. So for the next 45 minutes we listened with pride as the crew did an incredible job without us.

When I knew it was all covered I took my sick tummy and my aching head home. To wrap presents, unpack the car, make the sweet potato dish for Thanksgiving. Give the key to the incredible woman who is going to help me dig my house out while I am gone. Clean the kitchen, run the dishwasher and now I am sprawled on my bed trying to convince my stomach to not throw up so. I can go take my meds and hang up all the washing.

Soon I will actually go to bed, and head to yoga at 5:30 am in the morning and then hit the ground
running. It will be a good day, a long day but a good day and I am really looking forward to seeing my family.

Now if my stomach will just cooperate .....

Just Connie

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