Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Bunny

I have been playing Easter bunny today. It has been a lot of fun and I have to admit it brings back lots of wonderful memories for me. Easter was always a big deal in my house. I would spend weeks gathering candy, toys and things that would have spirtual significance for my husband and my children. I loved putting it all together. It was a joy.

This year I am creating an Easter basket for my newly pregnant daughter who is coming to see me early, early for Easter Sunrise service. It was a joy to find small things for her and the baby to celebrate this year. I can hardly wait to give it to her. I am also creating a basket for a friend of mine and it has been soooo much fun to put together.

Today brought back good memories. It also reminded me of how much my life has changed and I have to admit that brought a touch of sadness, I miss the feeling of being surrounded by family and people who love me. But there is joy to be found in what my life is now. I choose to find the joy and celebrate the moments I am given.

As I prepare for Easter this year I am looking for ways to connect with friends and family. I want to begin to build that sense of family and security that has been gone for so long. I think that it will take time and it will take effort. I also have a feeling that it might not always be a comfortable process. But I think it is really important.

The good news is that Easter is coming ... "He is Risen Indeed!".

"He is not here; he has risen" Matthew 28:6

Just Connie

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