Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Normal Day

The sun shone today. It was a surprisingly nice day in April. I should have been home mowing the lawn, but instead I spent most of the day in meetings and desk work. Then I checked on friends and ended up having a nice dinner out with them. That was a wonderful break. Then I ran home very quickly and let the poor dogs out to run for a bit. Then it was back to the church to spend a little time with the teens and then prayer meeting with the adults. Then finally back home to the animals.

Now I am sitting here thinking back on the day while the dogs are cavorting outside in the pouring rain that began a little while ago. Today was a good example of a “normal” type of ministry day, nothing spectacular just everyday needs and problems and meetings.

It is good to have a few normal type days. In fact if I could I would order up a few more of them. Well … I might not be able to do that, but I will enjoy the ones I am given. Who knows, perhaps I will get lucky with another one tomorrow.

“The path of life leads upward for the wise” Proverbs 15:24

Just Connie

1 comment:

t-dcrawford said...

Connie I am so glad you had a normal day. Sometimes we think about what a normal day is and wonder how many we really have. I look back when I had children at home and was running them around and I guess that now looks pretty normal to me. I love you