Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ministry Resource Team

I have always been good with numbers. I have not particularly like numbers but I have been good with them. My gift for numbers led me to higher mathematics in high school which I most definitely did not enjoy in the least.

I thought once in ministry I would no longer have to work with all those numbers, but guess what there are budgets and projections and all kinds of computing to do. Over the years I gained a fairly good skills set and it eventually let me to 10 years in Rescue ministry working in marketing and fundraising. I am very thankful for all I learned in those years.

Recently I have been assigned to a “Resource Ministry Team”. Other agencies would call it a Budget and Finance Committee. We oversee all of the funds and budgets for the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church. This has been a really interesting committee. We have some interesting personalities on this committee. One of the things I have noticed over the years is that people who are good with numbers are not necessarily good with people. I think I was doubly blessed with people skills and number skills. Which is why I feel like I spend a fair amount of time smoothing things over that my colleagues have said in their zeal for order.

But it is a committee where I really feel like I can make a difference. I am thankful for a place to utilize my unique gifts. I am even thankful for the 3 hour meeting we had tonight. We got a lot done.

I guess you can’t ask for more than that from any committee.

Just Connie

1 comment:

t-dcrawford said...

I read this to your dad and told him those years he made you take math in high school have been an asset. His philosophy of you take math every year, THAT IS WHAT YOU GO TO SCHOOL FOR IS TO LEARN!!! Oh boy do I remember those days, both you and Delinda always scored high in math and hated the fact.