Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Saying Goodbye

One of the things that I have always hated as a pastor is saying good-bye to people. We pastors seem to do a lot of that. People move, step into eternity and sometimes their lives just calls them to a different place.

Today I heard from two of my dearest friends, they feel that God is calling them to a different church. It took my breath away. It is one of those moments as a pastor that makes you feel like a total failure. There is this feeling that I did something very wrong. Not because they said so, which they didn't, they affirmed their love for me and for everyone in the church, but everything in me screams out that if I had done it right they would not leave.

At this point all I can is cry. I can feel the grief pressing in on me as I try to grapple with everything this will mean. I have a feeling that this will be one of those change points when many things change. And this is also one of those times when I must choose faith. Faith that God is big enough for this hurt, wise enough to guide all of us through and loving enough to help us love each other through it.

I just wish it did not hurt so much ....

Just Connie

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