Monday, September 27, 2010

Today's Thoughts

It is a beautiful Fall evening. The sun shone bright and the lawn mowers have been going all day throughout the neighborhood. Everyone is busy getting the as much done as they can while the weather lasts. Me ... I have not gotten any of the outside work done that I need to get done. My lawn needs to be mowed, the gutters needs to be cleaned out and the flower beds need weeding.

I have been cleaning inside and trying to get things put back together again. I should have set it aside and gone out to enjoy the day, but I did not. I worked on the computer and puttered around the house. I guess the work will still be waiting for me tomorrow.

I am also trying to acclimate my pets to the new room. Bubba Bunny kept running back to the front of the house where he has spent the last two months. I keep corralling him and bringing him back to the family room where his litter box and food dishes are. He growls at me and keeps heading back to the front of the house. But this afternoon he has actually stayed with me in the family room. Perhaps I will actually win this battle. Right now he is curled up on a quilt in front of the patio door with Hope Puppy.

Charlie is the other hold out. She thinks the new wood floor is a dangerous invasion. She stands in the doorway and keeps barking for me to do something about it. I finally laid the quilt out for her to lay on. Which is now occupied by the bunny and the puppy. She this very minute is standing in the doorway woofing at me. I am not sure I will win the battle with her. But the barking might drive me crazy ... and that might be a pretty short trip.

So I am sitting here enjoying the cool fall evening, laughing at the antics of the animals and just enjoying the quiet .... well the quiet between the bouts of barking.

Just Connie

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