Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Carnivorous Bunny

Every night as part of my nightly lock up routine I bring in the dog's dish so the raccoons will not have a party on my deck. Tonight as usual, I brought it in and then curled up on the couch to IM with a Facebook friend.

I was chatting away when my furry buddies caught my eye. When I bring the dog's food dish in the dogs always have to taste it and make sure I have not snuck in something exotic and wonderful. Tonight was no exception as they immediately stuck their heads in the bowl and began eating, what was different tonight was that Bubba Bunny decided to check it out. He pushed his way between them and raised up on his hind legs and began chewing away. I was so startled I just stopped and watched as he little by little edged the dogs out. He finally jumped up and sat in the middle of the bowl while he was eating. The dogs were totally put out. The sheepdog stood next to me and kept barking, "Do something!" Hope puppy just kept running back and forth between me and the bunny ... whining, "Do something!".

So I did something ... I laughed and laughed. Laughed at my little carnivorous bunny and the way he had pushed the dogs away from their own food dish. Laughed at the dogs reactions and laughed at myself for being so entertained.

It is good to laugh ....

Just Connie

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