Thursday, October 7, 2010


Criticism .... if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger right? Pastor's get a lot of criticism, people do not like the sermon, the way you walk, the way you talk .... well that list is too long to finish. But we get pretty good at letting criticism slide off us if it is not valid.

Today I got criticism from someone that I trusted that was pretty harsh. Among other things he thought I was a micro manager .... because I had share a a preference with him several weeks ago. I almost started laughing because of all the things that people could say about with  truth that is absolutely not one of them. the urge to laugh quickly left as he went on and on ... and on. There was not much about me that he was pleased with and he felt the church was quickly leaving town in the proverbial hand basket.

I realized that there was very little I could say to him that would make any difference. I finally said that I would pray about the things he shared. And as I have prayed today I have felt the wrongness of his perceptions. There is a certainty in me that his hurts and fears have skewed his understand and viewpoint.

I find that tonight I am very tired and sad. Sad that he felt he just had to say all those things, sad that it takes so much time and energy to process it all. And I am tired, tired...... tired .....

Just Connie

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