Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Thoughts

Today was a beautiful Fall day. The morning was bright and clear with a hint of frost. I jumped out of bed and headed to the grade school to do my volunteer reading. It was my very first day and I loved it. The little girl who I was assigned to is a sweetie and I will enjoy our time together.

From there I headed to the office and tried to tie up some loose ends, have a short staff meeting, do some counseling and then jump back in the car and head to Mac for some office supplies. I spent several hours happily poking around, but I still have not found bookcases for my office!

So tomorrow on my day off, I think I will try again. There has to be something I can use so I can begin to get my office set up. i need to just get out there and keep looking. If I have to I might take a trip to Portland. Sigh .... I need my office to get finished up. It is past time. So ... tomorrow is another day. I will see what I get done.

Just Connie

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