Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Freezer

I stood before the freezer saying, "No, no, no". But the mantra did not help, it had clearly all ready happened. My nice neat stacks of frozen  meat, veggies and fruit were a warm, dripping, smelly mess. The food that I had counted on getting me through these next couple of lean months gone .... just like that.

Being a mature spiritual woman I leaned my head against the warm freezer and cried. It was just too much. The heartache and pressure of these last couple of weeks all came crashing down on me. I sat there in the garage and cried. I lifted my tear stained faces up to God and said, "This really stinks!" God said, "Yep it does." I swear I could hear God giggle at that point.  God was right, it did stink ... literally. Through the tears the smell began to drift through. The smell of rotten meat was definitely in the air.

So I got up, backtracked the electric cord, found the smashed circuit that must have happened during the remodel and hooked up a new one. I was relieved to hear the hum of the freezer coming back on. Tomorrow I will take the refrozen mess and put it in garbage bags to go out with the garbage. That will at least cut down on the smell in the meantime.

Tonight I will take stock of what I can do to stretch my food budget and spend some time contemplating God's sense of humor. Though He is most definitely right .... it really stinks.

"As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor." Ecclesiastes 10:1

Just Connie

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