Monday, August 9, 2010

The Ball

Hope Puppy is an endless source of amazement and amusement to me. She has one passion in life and that is ... balls. Balls of all shapes and sizes she loves them all. One of her favorite outside toys is a flat basketball. She swings it around and around and then chases it with great joy. She plays with her basketball for an hour or more at a time. I find a endless supply of balls at the Dollar Store. She has tennis balls, baseballs and rubber balls. Her entire focus is on her balls and convincing people to throw the ball for her.

Even after a ball is in pieces she will bring me the piece to throw for her. Tonight she brought me a piece of a ball that was about the size of a fifty cent piece.  It took me a minute to realize that it was a very small piece of the inside of a tennis ball. She laid it on my lap and jumped back in great expectation .... just waiting for me to throw it for her. I asked her with exasperation if she didn't have a real ball for me to throw.  But she was completely happy with the piece that she presented me. For about 15 minutes I tossed the piece of rubber into the air and watched her leap to catch it. She was completely ecstatic.

Watching her with that little piece of rubber has got me thinking. I wonder how many times I rob myself of the joy because I am looking for the "real ball". Do I throw myself with enthusiasm into life or do I waste it searching .... searching for just the right thing. You know, I think I could use some of Hope Puppy's passion and joy in my own life. Perhaps it is time to experience the moment. I have a feeling that there is joy all around me just waiting for me to notice.

So .... anyone want to throw the ball?

Just Connie

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