Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Thoughts

I spent the day cleaning and moving furniture around. I am also staining switch plate covers and moulding. Then in between all of that I am picking up construction debris and sanding my hope chest which had gotten to looking pretty sorry over the last few years. So now that all of the furniture is moved out and there is room to work, I am taking care of it. I really miss my electric sander though, it is a lot of hard work by hand.

I probably have at least another week of cleaning and sorting before the room is really usable. I also have work left to do on the hearth and that is still stretching in front of me. I will be so glad when it is behind me and I am back in the room. At least the TV is hooked up now so I have some company when I am in there working. So that is a step in the right direction. I actually got the TV and cable all hooked up and felt pads on the bottom of all the furniture. I have gotten pretty innovative about how to move heavy things by myself. I just wish that I could move the couch back in by myself. But I guess I will have to break down and ask for some help.

I think it is time to to go and rest my sore hands and tired muscles and head to bed. Tomorrow will be a full day.

Just Connie

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