Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tired Night

I am tired tonight. I have not been doing anything earth shattering .... just normal kinds of things. I spent 3 hours working on my sermon and then some desk work. Then ran a parishioner into Salem and then headed back home. I have spent the evening studying and cleaning. Now I am sitting here in my jammies watching tv and trying to motivate myself to go to bed.

I have a feeling that most of this feeling of being tired is let down from the big event over the weekend. And all the prep for this coming weeks events. But life will calm down to it's normal chaos after this weekend and that will be nice.

So I just have a prayer meeting, camp meeting, greeting at camp meeting, teaching bible study at camp meeting, a family get together, my High School Reunion dinner, a wedding rehearsal, my high school Reunion Brunch, a wedding and then of course normal Sunday stuff. Then the normal chaotic stuff  ..... Now I am really tired.

Just Connie

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