Thursday, August 19, 2010

Board Meeting

As a pastor I work with a lot of boards and committees. I have learned over the years that committees can be wonderful when they are  working well and can be absolutely agony when they do not. It reminds me of the old saying "That God so loved the world .... that He did not send a committee.

I think that one of the important things I do is to offer training and support to the committees of the church. One of those committees is the Board of Administration for the church. This board is responsible to give oversight to the finances and ministries of the church. It is critical that there is a clear understanding of our roles and goals.

Tonight was a "Board Night". It was a tough meeting in many ways. We are dealing with some difficult "large issues". But I was blessed anew by the people God has put on this board. I can feel the chemistry beginning to gel as we develop trust and understanding of each other. It is an exciting glimpse of the potential we have to do great things.

So though it has been a long day, it has been a good day. I can see good things ahead.

Just Connie

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