Monday, February 6, 2017

a Surprise

I woke up this morning groggy from yesterday's treatment. With a headache pounding over my eye. I looked out the window at the big snowflakes swirling outside and sighed. I was due to head to Portland for vocal chord therapy. Picking up my phone I texted my designated driver to make sure we were still a go.

An hour later found us on the road to Portland with a quick stop at my Dr's office for a tordal shot for my headache. Before I knew it we were there waiting to be called in so the therapist could begin the work on my very hoarse voice.

The therapy actually went very well. Well enough that she decided to work on my singing voice as well. She actually got some good solid tones without the cracking and patchiness that has plagued me this past year. I just about cried when I heard almost normal tones coming from my throat. I stood there and clapped my hands I was so excited.

I realize that there is not a magic fix, and there is a lot of hard work ahead of me. But this filled my heart with hope and joy today. I will be singing again. I have missed it so very much.

This goes a long way to battle the rest of the Ick I am facing. I am feeling pretty grateful.

Just Connie

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