Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Treatment Day

Treatment day. I reported to the Fire  Station at 8am to begin the first of my pre drugs. At 9am I took the second set of pre drugs and be gave preparing the syringes, medications, tnbings abs bandaids. By 10, everything was laid out and ready for the Community paramedic to set the needles. So for the next 15 minutes I sanitized and prepared the sites while she set the needles and anchored them with tape. Then the syringe is checked for blood and then put into the pump and started. For these smaller doses it takes about two hours to run. By then I am due for more medication nd I roll over and go to sleep for. A few more hours.

And that is pretty much how it goes. I wake up, get something to eat, take more meds and go back to sleep. By 6pm I drug myself downstrairs to trend the safety meet and see if I could clear some of the fuzziness out of my head. By 8pm I was feeling I could drive myself home. So I packed up and headed home.

Hope Puppy was ecstatic to see me and she helped me was up every step of the way so I could fall face down in bed. I think with this many drugs running through me, I am going to sleep well tonight. I am glad to have a few days break before the next treatment. I am hoping a Sunday afternoon. We will see since I have to be up at OHSU on Monday morning bright and early. It will be a very busy weekend.

But that is not a bad thing .... I just need some better lung function and energy,

Wonder if I could order it on AMAZON.

Just Connue

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