Thursday, February 2, 2017

Recovery Day

I drug myself out of bed today, feeling exhausted and headachy from yesterday's treatment. But I knew I had things to accomplish so I got dressed and drug myself to the office. I worked there about an hour and a half under my body was screaming at me ..., go home! So I made a run to the bank to make a deposit, stopped at the Dr's office to get a tordal shot for the headache and made my way home. Once there I fell into bed and slept and slept. The kind of deep sleep where I did not know if it was day or night when I woke up.

But eventually I got orientated, got up did a little light cleaning, made some lunch and went back to bed again. I have to admit that these recovery days are taking a toll on me. I have a lot to get done on my schedule and treatment and recovery days are taking a huge bite out of my week. I am trying to let it be what it is ... But I am finding frustrating nipping at my heels. I also know I am frustrated because my young function is dropping, most probably because the Dr had allowed me to try a step down on the prednisone. I so want it to work and I am so disappointed!

So physically, today was not one of my better days. But still it was a good day. God loves me, I have friends who love me and I believe there are good things ahead.

Life is good ....

Just Connie

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