Friday, February 17, 2017

Hospital Stay Day 1

I spent a very miserable night with very low lung function, a lot of coughing and struggling to draw breath. In the morning I texted my primary care to update him. He of course said what I did not want to hear. Go to the hospital. I argued the point but it did not change the outcome. So I packed a bag and had friends drop me off.

I was dumbfounded to give my name, get plunked in a wheelchair and taken into a room, with all the nurses saying, "Hi Connie" as I was wheeled by. I am spending way too much time in the hospital.  Before I knew it I had blood tests, blood cultures, X-rays and was being told I was staying. Once in a room, I was hooked up to the heart monitor, put on oxygen, regular breathing  treatments and had my legs wrapped.

Now the hospital is quieting down for the night. I have been given my first round of meds, including the dreaded lovnox shot in the abs. Soon they will come in with the next round of meds and I might get some rest.

The hospital is a world all its own. I'm am very thankful for the excellent care and kind staff here. It is an incredible blessing.

And yes, I did have to tell my family Dr that he was right ... I needed to come in.

Sigh ....

Just Connie

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