Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Being Alone

I get really lonely at times. I do not think that God created me to live alone. I think that He created me to live in the midst of a family group. But yet here I am alone. That is the reality that I am faced with.

I try to make healthy choices and to not focus on my aloneness, but the reality is that I drive home every day to an empty house. I go to bed alone and I wake up alone. I am seeking to learn to live alone and find contentment right where I am. But I have to admit that I do not like it.

One of the healthy things I have been trying to do is to develop some friendships. I have been thrilled over a couple of the friendships that are really beginning to develop into heart friendships. That has been a balm and a solace to my lonely heart. Tonight I got to spend time with one of my heart friends and just enjoy the richness of her company.

I have to admit that tonight I do not feel quite so alone. I have friends that love me. That is an amazing things. You know it also occurs to me that I do not go to bed alone every night. Now don’t get the wrong idea, I go to bed with one very elderly terrier and one very large hairy sheepdog. I should never feel lonely in a bed that is that full.

As in most things in life, I guess it is a matter of perspective. I need to keep identifying the ways that God is surrounding me with His love. From the love showered on me by my pets, to the love of my family members and the growing relationships with friends. All of those are very visible reminders that God does not leave me alone and I am loved.

So I think I will get ready for bed , cuddle up with my doggie friends and let them remind me that I am loved tonight.

“On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” Psalm 63:6

Just Connie

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