Monday, May 9, 2011

Head Ache

My head hurts. All day I have been struggling with a headache.But I worked, I went to the gym, I made dinner and then I laid down on the couch ... and slept. Now I am trying to determine if aspirin will help or only upset my stomach.

I think I am going to call it a day even though it is still early. I am thinking that it might be a good evening to curl up with a good book. It seems rather wasteful ... but it is obvious I am not going to stir myself to go and mow the lawn like I should be.

Perhaps I should think of this as a strategic retreat. Why is it that I feel I must give myself permission to be unproductive? I would give that some more thought, but frankly my head hurts. So instead I will go and take a shower, find my book and settle the dogs for the night.

Yes ... a retreat sounds good.

Just Connie

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