Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother

This is a picture of my mother. I want you to pay special attention to the "look" that she is giving me. I was such an angelic child ... I cannot imagine what would cause her to look at me like that..... well perhaps I can imagine it.

I was not an easy child. I was active, I was inquisitive and I was loud. I screamed, I sang and I talked ... all at the loudest decibel that I could. As a toddler my mother was put into the hospital. My paternal grandmother kept cute little me .. for a day and a half. Then she deposited me on my maternal grandmother's doorstep and said, "Here you take her!"

It was not until I was a mother myself that I began to understand that I was not an easy child to raise. I did not understand back then because my mother never told me I was a horrid child, she never made feel anything but loved and accepted. She allowed me to be who I was. She encouraged me to use my intellect, to love lavishly and to follow my dreams.

My mother has helped to shape me into the person I am today. She held me when my heart was broken, kicked me in the backside when I needed it and always, always loved me. I am so very grateful for this amazing woman. Today I was to say thank you. Thank you for loving me when I was unlovable, thank you for challenging me, thank you for being the incredibly wonderful woman you are. I love you.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

And thank you Connie, for sharing this most amazing woman with me (though you could have kept her pinches all for yourself!).

I love you both.