Sunday, May 29, 2011

Forgiving God

I preached on forgiveness again this morning. I am in the midst of a series. Last week I preached on God forgiving us, today I preached on us forgiving God. We like to think that as Christians we never get mad at God, that we never question the circumstances of our lives. But the reality is that we do. When the hard painful times come we often say why?

I felt nudged as I was preaching today to share a very painful story from my own life. A time when my broken heart was saying, "Why?" My eyes teared up as I shared what I experienced. My pain, my grief and my sense of abandonment and how God reminded me that He was there. I remember being flooded with that sense that God was still God, regardless of how it had felt. God was there.

It is a hard thing to be that vulnerable when you are preaching, but an amazing thing happened when I did. People related to my experience and it connected with them in a very real way. God did wonderful things this morning in those moments of intimacy and openness. It was a reminder to me that so much of preaching is in obedience.

Obedience is better than sacrifice .... than why of why do we find it so very hard?

Just Connie

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