Friday, January 6, 2017

A Mixed Bag

Today was frustrating, challenging and a blessing in many ways.

It began with an early morning run to the pharmacy to pick up the antibiotic my pulmonologist had ordered for me for the lingering infection that is compromising my lungs again. I had also ordered additional anti nausea drugs because in the wisdom of my old insurance company they would only give me three days worth at a time. However, the antibiotic was unusual and only available in McMinnville, I had to be back at the house to meet the paramedic for my infusion in 15 minutes so there was no time to go and pick it up. Also the anti nausea drug was due for a Dr's okay, and I knew my Dr was out of the office all day. I stood there tearing up and feeling like an idiot and finally said, "Well this will be an interesting treatment today."

I headed back home and prepared for treatment. When the paramedic got there and we were chatting I shared  my medicine frustrations. And that is when she said, "I am in McMinnville today. I can pick up your antibiotic." I was blown away. And that is when my Dr's office called and said, "We sent in the prescription for your anti nausea drug and for a 30 day supply." Both of those were very unexpected blessings.

The treatment ran quickly today, with the usual migraine, nausea and exhaustion that seems to come with it. I went to bed and slept off what I could. And that is when people began to come with soup, stew and meds. It was amazing! I felt so loved and so blessed.

So tonight I am curled up in a blanket in front of the fire. My sermon is done and I am not feeling too bad except for the headache and lingering nausea. So tonight I rest, in the morning I will head to yoga class and do what I can.

Like most days, today was a mixed bag. But if you only focus on the frustrations you will never be able to embrace the blessings as they come. I am so thankful for people who love me and want to help. They give me wings and help me stay focused on the positive.

I just hope I am that kind of person for others ....

Just Connie

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