Monday, January 23, 2017

Final Approval Part 2

Final insurance approval came in today. They will probably ship meds tomorrow, they will arrive Wednesday and treatment on Thursday. I am so relieved and will be so glad to get things laid out and ready for Thursday.

That means tomorrow I need to talk to the pulmunologist and get my pre-meds all laid out. That means I might need to take a trip into his office to retry the drug I had a reaction to at my last treatment. It will be worth it, if we can find a cocktail that works in terms of keeping some of the side effects from treatment down.

Then Wednesday the drugs will arrive and I will have to sort them all out and get them ready. On Thursday I will report to the fire hall to have my needles set and to have people to monitor me through the several hours of treatment.

Then Friday I will recover and Saturday I am skiing!

This will be a very full and busy week.... Deep breath .....

I am going to need it!

Just Connie

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