Monday, October 3, 2011

Dark and Stormy

It is a dark and stormy night. The rain is pelting against the windows and I am curled up in front of the fire enjoying the warmth. Suddenly Fall is here, not so much by the date of the calendar but by the nip in the air and the leaves swirling in the wind and rain.

Hope Puppy is curled up with her head on my lap and there is an old movie playing. I guess that this is about as good as a quiet evening can get. And yet ..... I have to admit that tonight it feels a bit flat. There is a lingering sense of loneliness as I look around this peaceful scene.

This is probably a perfect evening to head to bed with a good book. Yes ... I am thinking that sounds like a good plan. It is hard to feel lonely curled in my nice soft bed with Hope Puppy curled up next to me while lost in the midst of a good story line.

I am thinking sci-fi is the perfect antidote for what ails me.

Just Connie

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