Thursday, October 27, 2011

Some Days

Some days make you feel like you do something worthwhile as a pastor. Today was one of those days for me. I met with a family about there upcoming memorial service. We laughed and cried and worked to plan the best possible service. As they left I fielded a string of problems and people while polishing up the newsletter. Then I spent about an hour with a counseling client I was not expecting. That was a challenging and wonderful time together. I felt like I actually helped and that was a very good feeling.

I had a quick lunch while I worked on the grant that needed to go out in today's mail. As I finished that up, I printed the final copy of the memorial service and laid out the things for Sunday, It was with a feeling of satisfaction that I packed everything up and headed to the old High School to put in a couple of hours working on the roof.

Later as I drove home tired but satisfied, it dawned on me that much of what I do is not very measurable. That is not a bad thing, it just means that sometimes it is hard to tell that you are making a difference. Today was a reminder that sometimes you can tell ..... you are actually making a positive difference.

That is a feeling .... I could get used to.

Just Connie

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