Friday, May 28, 2010

Dental Denial

Time passes ..... in fact it passes before you know it. Sigh .... I made a phone call I had been meaning to make. A simple call to have my teeth cleaned. Imagine my surprise when they told me it had been 5 years since I had been in. I was so certain that it could not have been 5 years but it was.

So today I marched in to see the dentist. Because it had been so long since I had been in, they did a full work up. X-rays, examinations .... the whole thing. I sat through well deserved lectures about coming in every year and then the dentist himself came in and looked at my x-rays, poked in my mouth and said, "You obviously do not need me. Keep doing what you have been doing."

So I left with an appointment to have my teeth cleaned (which is why I called in the first place) and a deep appreciation for the genetics that have blessed my teeth over the years.

Just Connie

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