Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Pond

I took a long walk with the dogs this morning. We walked around the pond. I love it there. It is beautiful and quiet and there is always amazing things to see.
The first thing that I saw was a huge Blue Heron standing in the water fishing. They are beautiful and can stand there so quiet and still. As we walked around the end the pond we looked up at the Osprey nest only to see that there were Osprey babies in the nest. Of course the nest was a good 20 feet aboce our heads so we could not see much. but it was fun to see the Osprey chick peeking out over the edge of the nest.
As we watched, Momma Osprey went winging out over the pond, folded her wings and dove straight down into the water. It was amazing to watch her as she emerged with a fish. We were thrilled to watch her dive not one or even twice, but four times … up close and personal. It was thrilling.

We continued on our walk and enjoyed the geese, the red-wing Blackbirds and the beauty of a sun dappled world. I was filled with a sense of thankfulness for having a place like the Pond so accessible to us. It is an incredible blessing.

I am finding that these moments of wonder and joy are the fuel that help propel me through the hard difficult days. I need more of these times, I need to purposefully seek out more of these times. In fact the dogs and I are going to head back to the pond tomorrow morning. After all, who knows what we will see?

“They saw the works of the LORD, his wonderful deeds in the deep.” Psalm 107:24

Just Connie

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