Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yard Work

I am sooooooo sore tonight! Yesterday I finally mowed my knee high lawn. That took every ounce of energy I had. But I got the front done. So I woke up this morning rather sore and stiff. However I was determined to dig into the yard work that needed to be done.

The first thing I tackled was weeding the front flower bed. The trick to weeding this bed is that at some point in the houses history someone added large pices of bark. I have spent hours trying to get all of the bark out of the bed so that I can actually plant something. For the first time the bed is actually beginning to look pretty good. I have some seed packets that I am going to plant to morrow and perhaps I will actually have flowers this year.
The next project, was to edge along the sidewalk. That meant I had to dig 6 inches of sod out. I actually got it done! It looks great. But my hands and my arms are complaining.

So tomorrow if I can pry my sore muscles out of bed, I am going to take a trip to the garden store. Then I will come home and plant while the good weather lasts, my energy holds up, and my sore muscles do not win out.

I guess being sore won’t kill me ….. what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger … right? Nah, it just makes you wish it had.

Just Connie

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