Sunday, May 2, 2010

Women's Retreat

I just spent the last three days with 150 women. I have to admit that I usually try to avoid women’s retreats. They seem to be heavily scheduled, not much spiritual depth and overall exhausting. This retreat was surprising to me on several levels.

The first surprise was with the speaker who was a nationally known women’s speaker. She was entertaining and challenging. I was glad for the chance to hear her heart. The second surprise was the high quality worship time. It was wonderful and was uplifting. The next surprise was the spiritual depth that we were being called to. The final surprise was a schedule that allowed for reflection, interaction and rest.

So I am home, I am refreshed and renewed and looking forward to next year’s retreat.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”- Romans 12:12

Just Connie

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