Thursday, May 20, 2010

Walking Friends

Every morning I walk with a friend. It is a pretty leisurely 2 mile walk around the Willamina Pond. I love the Pond. It is never the same two mornings in a row. The wildlife, the changing water it is a very peaceful place to be.

I also love the time with my friend. It is a time to pray together, a time to share the happenings of our lives. I am very appreciative for the opportunity to connect with her. Those connections are very important to me.

I have found over the years that I need friendships. I need friendships that are deep and true, that can stand the test of time. These friendships bring balance and accountability and give me a great confidence in my everyday life. They also bring a vulnerability as I have discovered painfully. But I do not think that is a bad thing.

I am glad for the friendships that God has given me. I look forward to many moments growing and learning with my friends.

“He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.” Song of Solomon 2:4

Just Connie

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