Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Pastoral Day

Another busy pastoral day on the administration end of pastoral ministry. I spent the morning creating forms and updating our membership lists in preparation of the nominating committee meeting later in the day. While working on the forms I fielded phone calls and drop in visitors trying hard to get it all wrapped up before my noon meeting.

At noon I met the other pastors of the West Valley Ministerial Association for lunch and fellowship. For two hours we laughed and teased and shared what was happening in our churches. I feel like the group is really beginning to draw together after a lot of pastoral changes in the past year.

By the time that meeting was wrapping up it was time to lay out the materials for the nominating committee. For the next hour we lay out the nominees for the upcoming church elections. Now over the next week we will confirm nominations and work to fill any gaps.

By the time we were done, I packed up my stuff and headed over to the Treasurer's office to touch bases on the week, only to find out that he had had additional communication with the IRS. Since soon after my appointment at Willamina we have been struggling with an old IRS report from 2008. Today we got another notification that it was not fixed yet. I have to admit that these kind of issues can really such the joy out of me. But I am blessed with an incredible treasurer who is really riding herd on this issue for me.

An hour later, I finally left and headed home. Where I have been fielding phone calls and trying to work on a community event we have coming up. The evening seems to be quickly disappearing and I still have work to do. However pretty soon I will push it all aside and head to bed.

Today was good, busy but good. I have to admit though, I am glad that not all of my days as a pastor are wrapped up in administration tasks. I need the time out from behind the desk. days that I am investing in the lives of other people. Days when I can really see that I am making a difference. Because when you stop to think about it, what good is all this "stuff" if it is not making a difference in someone's life.

So today was mostly given to "stuff". But tomorrow ..... is for me. It is time to spend times with my friends and enjoy some down time.

Yes ... time for a me day for sure ....

Just Connie

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