Saturday, January 25, 2014

Unexpected Blessing

For the last couple of months one of the projects I have been working on was a 70th birthday party for a friend. Today was the big day.

There is something very precious about spending time with friends that lifts my hearts. To have the chance to sit and talk and really learn about each other is a somewhat rare experience for me. So often I am so tied up in an event that I do not really get to visit and talk to people. Today I got to visit and even make some new friends. I found myself packing up at he end with a smile on my face.

Not only am I glad that I had the chance to do something nice for a friend, but I really think that I ended up doing something nice for myself as well.

I love how there are so often unexpected blessings as we serve other people.

It is always worth it ...............

Just Connie

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