Friday, January 24, 2014

Angry Bunny

I have a very angry bunny. You have never lived till you have seen a very angry 6 pound bunny. You would not think that a 6 pound bunny can express much anger ... let alone a 12 year old, 6 pound bunny. But yet ... there he is.

The anger stems from my decision to give him a bath. His fur was looking a bit ratty and dry and I decided to give him a good scrubbing. He thought that was a rather poor idea. In fact he thought is was a terrible idea. From the moment I lowered him in the warm water of the bathroom sink he began to try to jump out of the sink. If I took one hand off he immediately would make a break for it throwing water and soap in a 2 foot radius. So for 10 minutes we struggled with wild escapes while I tried to scrub him and rinse him.

But at long last I had rinsed the last of the soap off and I wrapped him in a thick towel and began to try to dry him off. That is when he took exception to my next brilliant idea .... using the hair dryer to take the worst of the wet off. When he realized that he was not going to be able to escape, he suddenly went completely limp and flopped on his side. "Oh my gosh!" I thought, "I've killed him!" But no ... he weakly waved a paw at me .... for all the world saying, "Help me!". I grabbed a thick dry towel and and wrapped him up while I cuddled and talked to him. It was when he began to snuggle down and give the "chuck, chuck, chuck" sound that contented rabbits give that I realized I had been played.

So I grabbed the hair dryer again and got him about half dry. Then I began to comb lose fur and matts while all the while keeping one hand on top of his head trying to prevent his escape. But I finally decided enough was enough and set him on the floor where he promptly stomped his foot at me (the equivalent of a bunny flip off" and ran in the corner under the chair where he turned his little bunny back on me and began to groom himself.

Then I took stock of the damage, There was water and soap all over the bathroom (including me) Fur clung to every surface (including me) Wet towels, pools of water and chaos reigned. All from one 6 pound bunny getting a bath.

And he is mad at me? ....

Just Connie

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