Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Really Needed That

It was a dark and foggy night .... in fact very, very foggy. The fog was misting and swirling and suddenly about 20 feet in front of my car there was a huge dark shape in my lane. I slammed on my brakes and jerked my wheel to the left as the car rocked alarmingly and the tires squealed. As I was fighting for control of the car, I looked to my right and standing there in the middle of the road was a large bull elk. I can remember thinking as I slid past it ..."Is that a moose? No we don't have moose's an elk. He is so huge I cannot even see his head". And then suddenly, miraculously I was past it and stopped. I shakily pulled the car back into my lane looking for a place where I could pull off ... but there were none.

As I slowly kept going I took the exit to Willamina which was only about a half mile down the road. As I drove my mind was whirling. "I cannot believe that the elk just stood there while my car slid around him. I am so lucky I saw him before I hit him .... so lucky there were no oncoming vehicles." And it was while I found myself whispering, "So lucky" that I was struck by a sense of God's hand in this. This was not luck, this was God meeting the need before I even knew I needed it.

When I got home, in spite of the late hour I called my mother and asked, "Mom were you praying for me?" When she said yes, I told her what had happened and how those prayers were answered in such a miraculous way.

I do not fully understand exactly how our prayers bring answers in such miraculous ways, I only know that it is real. Last night reminds me that prayer is powerful and can do miraculous things. It has done miraculous things.

My heart is very grateful  .... for divine intervention but also for a mother that prays. I really needed that.

Just Connie

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