Saturday, March 6, 2010

Looking at the Sky

This morning I stood in the light and looked at the sky. It was cold and frozen when I woke this morning, but the sun came up and thawed the world out. It was gorgeous. The air was warm and smelled good. In fact it smelled like spring. People were mowing their lawns and washing cars. The daffodils are blooming and the Lily of the Valley is budding. It lifted my heart as I stood there and breathed it all in.

Tonight I stood in the dark and looked with amazement at the sky. It was filled with a myriad of diamonds in a sea of black. I could not believe how clear it was. I could not believe how many stars were twinkling at me. I twirled around and around as I searched for my favorite constellations. it lifted my heart as I looked with joy at the beauty above me.

It reminds me that it is important to take the time to look at the sky. It is so easy to get busy, or just focused on life and to not take a few moments to look up. yet those few moments made an incredible difference to me.

"Praise him, sun and moon, praise him all you shining stars." Psalm 148:3

I think I will go outside and look at the sky and tell God that he does good work.

Just Connie

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