Friday, March 26, 2010

What Are You Thinking?

I was asked an interesting question yesterday. I was asked, "What have you thought about today?" It rather took me aback, but it was a great question, So tonight I am going to share the things that I have thought about today. (that I can remember)

Random Thoughts of the Day
Why do I have dogs? (that was after Hope Puppy woke me up)
How can the house get so cold overnight?
Is my friend Mary still feeling sick?
How can I best help a struggling parishioner?
Why did I ever agree to sing in the women's group? (we are singing tomorrow)
Why can't my vacuum cleaner clean itself out?
How can one little 5 pound bunny shed so much hair? (Bubba is blowing his winter coat)
How can two dogs track that much stuff into the house?
I'm hungry .... what is there to eat?
My daughter is pregnant! My daughter is pregnant!
I should take the dogs on a walk ... Nah!
I wonder how mom and dad are doing today?
Will this rain ever stop?
I wish I could teach Charlie to throw the ball for Hope puppy.
Facebook is a wonderful tool.
Why isn't there anything good on TV?

Those are just some of the thoughts I had today. It really tells you a bit about my life and my frame of reference. For better or worse this is my life.

"You gave me life and showed me kindness" Job 10:12

Just Connie

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