Saturday, March 13, 2010

Time Change

Tonight we change to Daylight Savings Time. I hate the time change. Well it would be more accurate to say that my body hates the time change. It takes a couple of months for my body rhythm to catch up with the rest of the world. I would love to see us stay on one or the other, all year long. Or slowly transition to it in small 15 minutes increments. Perhaps we could be like Arizona which does not recognize Daylight Savings Time. They stay on Standard Time all year long.

My head tells me that those are all totally ridiculous solutions, but I know that my body will be crying out in the morning. In fact it will be crying out for several weeks. I would love to find a better solution for this.

The reality is that I just am not ready for the clocks to "spring ahead an hour" now and I will not be ready for the clocks to "fall back" in the Fall. But I will eventually adjust to both of them. But in the perfect world that I sometimes dream about, there would be no time change to upset our body rhythms or me.

I can dream about it can't I?

"My times are in your hands" Psalms 31:15

Just Connie

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