Sunday, June 27, 2010

Celebration Path

Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Today I stepped back into the senior pastorate. I am still rather amazed to find myself here. But it was such a wonderful incredible affirmation of the restoring grace of God.

12 years ago my husband's choices ripped me out of the pastorate. I was broken hearted as I grieved the loss of my community, friends and church. The next few years were a roller coaster of emotion as I struggled to discover what this new reality was that I found myself in. Over the years I settled into Rescue Ministry and thought that was God's answer for my call to the ministry. But it never completely satisfied the tug within me. At heart I was still a pastor.

Against all my expectations God began to open doors of ministry for me. It was amazing and scary and absolutely wonderful all at the same time. But step by step God was drawing me back into the place I longed to be.

The past  year as I have been transitioning, I found myself at times doubting that it would really happen. It seemed far away and rather nebulous at times. But I kept trying to move ahead as I plodded down the path I thought God was leading. Sometimes that path was rocky, sometimes indistinct and sometimes it seemed to disappear in the mist.

Today the path emerged from the mist as I stood before the congregation, as my superintendent affirmed my call and my gifts. I found my eyes filling with tears as he spoke, the tears rolled down my face as I looked out on my family and friends who had made the long trip to Willamina to be with me this morning. As people streamed forward to pray with me I was humbled by their love and support.

I am looking forward to this chance to serve. I think there are great and wonderful things to be found along this path. Because when it comes right down to it, it is all about the journey. I pray that I will never get to caught up in the destination that I do not celebrate the path.

Just Connie

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