Thursday, June 10, 2010


I lost my purse today. The whole purse thing is still not natural for me. For years I never carried one, I carried a briefcase. Whenever possible I still don;t carry one. They rather annoy me. However, there are things in my purse that are vital to my life. Things like my drivers license and my debit card. Things that are make life go smoothly.

I knew my purse had to be in the house. I wrote a check to a friend and I had been home ever since. But I could not find my purse. I even began looking in unusual places. I looked in the refrigerator, in the coat closet, in every cupboard in the kitchen.... but still no purse. I finally gave up and went to my meeting without it, luckily  my keys hang by the door and not in my purse. But I came straight home afterwards and really began tearing things apart. I looked in the garbage can, under chairs and beds, in the dog kennel ..... I looked everywhere I could think of. My shoulders slumped in discouragement and I began trying to think of all the cards I would be forced to cancel and replace .... and getting a drivers license with no id. it was all too horrible to contemplate. I finally opened the door to the sewing room and there was my purse. I suddenly had a vision of myself grabbing the vacuum and setting my purse down. How could I have forgotten that? But yet I did.

There is a voice in my head that tells me I am getting old if I cannot even remember something so simple. Of course that same voice tells me I would have found the purse if I had put the vacuum away. You know that voice is really annoying.

Just Connie

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