Thursday, July 15, 2010

Building a Team

One of the jobs of a pastor is to build disparate groups of people into a cohesive whole. Tonight I met with my church board for the first time. We had some very important issue to wade through. In all of my years as a pastor I have never had such hard issues facing a brand new board.

There was so much that I wanted to do in this board meeting. I wanted to share some vision, do some training and address some of the issues. I also want them to begin to get a feel for who I am and what my leadership style is. I wanted ... well I wanted everything of course.

The honest truth is that I was nervous going into this meeting. there were such big issues facing us and the potential was there for it all to blow up in my face. But the meeting went very well. People were everything that I would hope for them to be. They were kind and considerate and did not jump into quick decisions.

I can see the beginnings of a real group here. A group that will trust each other and will do wonderful things together. In fact I am excited for our next meeting together. You know, I think this will be a a group that will grow into a team. And a team can do so much more than just be a group.

Just Connie

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