Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hopping Mad

I am hopping mad. In fact I am downright angry. I can feel it welling up within in me making me want to stomp my foot and shout! I want it fixed and I want to set this wrong doer straight. I think of a list of reasons why it is wrong! Wrong! Wrong! and I want to spell it out in no uncertain terms.

Sigh ... but I do not do any of those things Instead I take a deep breath and I smile and try to deflect the poor behavior with a gentle and reasonable answer. But inside of me I can feel the turmoil boiling up, a turmoil that does not dissipate after I walk away.

I am trying to remind myself that anger in itself is not wrong. My emotions are to warn and inform me. Right now they are screaming at me to beware of this scofflaw. Instead of returning bad behavior with bad behavior I am going to strive to let this make me wary and careful. At least that is what I am hoping. ...

So ....more hoping and less hopping......

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