Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, Monday

Mondays are busy days for me because Mondays are sermon days. It is the day that I set aside to prepare the sermon for the following Sunday services. Some Mondays that plan works very well. Other Mondays ... not quite so well. Today was one of the not quite so well days.

To begin with my office is still not put together enough to be very usable. I can sit at the desk and work, but I do not have an internet connection and none of my work materials have been brought in yet because there is no where to put them yet. So as I tried to study today I kept finding myself wanting items that were not there yet. The second thing was the constant stream of people who needed me today. Some Mondays are just like that. I have learned over the years to not fight it.

So instead of sermon preparation and study, today I listened and laughed and advised ... I was a pastor. You know it was a very good day. Tomorrow is yet another day and sermon preparation can happen on a Tuesday as well. Who knows perhaps Tuesday will become my new sermon day?

Just Connie

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