Friday, July 9, 2010


There are some things in a pastor’s life that are not much fun. In fact some of it is pretty difficult and painful. Without the clear sense of call there is nothing that would make you plow through it.

Today was like that for me. I was digging into things and getting information that did not please me … in fact it was horrifying, even discouraging. But the reality was that I really needed this information. As horrifying as it was, there could be no move towards a solution without uncovering the truth.

As I gauged my response today it made me wonder how often in my life I have shied back from a truth because it was painful or unlovely. Probably more often than I would like to admit.

I want to embrace the truth in all of its forms, even when it is unlovely, painful or discouraging. Because it is that truth that will set me free. And that is free indeed.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Just Connie

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