Friday, April 29, 2011


I spent the day with my 5 year old great nephew, Hunter. He is pretty great, if I do say so myself. When his daddy was in preschool, he lived with me. Over the years as I have watched him grow into a man I have felt very proud of him. His son is very precious to me.

So early this morning I packed up activities, drove an hour and spent the day having fun. We made airplanes and took them outside to fly them. We grew magic dinosaurs, we even watched "Python Hunters". That was absolutely not my choice. But he was thrilled.

At one point, as we were having a light saber fight, I realized how much I miss these days with my children. It seems that I turned around one day and they were all grown up. I do not want to turn around and realize that this little guy grew up without me. So I think I will put some time aside this summer to do some fun things with my great nephew.

I am reminded that these are the moments that make life worthwhile. It is not the big sweeping things, it is these small moments of love that gives my life joy. I think I will look for more of these small moments..... I think it will grow my heart.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

So, next time you want to play with Hunter, don't drive. Get on your dragon (from Pern, of course) and just "go between" - save the hour in the car. I love make believe! Happy play time my friend!