Saturday, April 9, 2011

Man Day

Several years ago I was made an honorary man by our Men's Ministry group. I really enjoy my time with them and I have learned a lot by working alongside the men. But this morning they really surprised me yet again.

I was really blessed this past summer when many of the men came and helped me do some remodeling. They also helped with some yard work that left a huge pile of limbs and building debris. They told me to just burn it. What they didn't know is that I had never burned anything before. Even as a child when it was my job to do the burning I would run and hide .... it scared me. And I have to admit that even at my old age, it was very overwhelming to even contemplate. So for a year the debris has sat there staring at me. I have mowed around it, tried to ignore it and tried to get the courage to deal with it. But I did not. I also did not tell anyone of my struggle.

But one of the men realized that I had not burned it and invited everyone to come and help. I felt like crying, I could not believe that they would do that for me. So for several hours we cut brush and made the pile bigger and lit it up. Now tonight there is a smell of smoke in the air and I am pleasantly tired. The pile is gone and the yard looks good, I even got the grass mowed.

I am reminded yet again at how important we are too each other. The areas that I am weak, others come alongside me, strengthen me and teach me. With this kind of love and support I feel like I can do anything.

I am an honorary man hear me roar ....

Just Connie

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