Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work Out Goals

I had realized that as I had hibernated at home over the past year that my weight slowly began to creep up. Where I was once fit and trim and was not fit and no where close to trim. So I made the big step and joined a local gym. The sad thing is that the gym membership does not magically melt the weight off. You have to actually go and work out. Can you believe that?

In January I began to get more regular in my workouts. i was shooting for three days a week. Last month I kicked it up to 5 days a week and increased my cardio time. I would love to say that it is lots of fun .... but the reality is that it often is not. It is exhausting and inconvenient and makes me all sweaty. But I think it is really important to my overall health.

I guess it is a reminder that the things in life that are the best for us, often take work and discipline. In my devotions, my sermon prep .... even in my friendships. So I will keep working out because it is good for me. I guess not everything has to be fun .... but if there is a way to make this fun, I bet I find it!

Just Connie

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