Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rest Day

I have been going, going, going all week. By last night I found that I was tired, tired, tired! Today has been a rest and recuperation day. I have even managed to avoid housework for the most part. I slept in and even took a nap. A totally unproductive day .... but probably one that I really needed.

In a little bit, I will stir myself to get ready to head to the church for Saturday night Prayer & Praise. That is always a wonderful and uplifting time. I always feel great when I get there. But I have to admit that tonight I am still tired and a bit headachy ... I would rather stay home.

But I won't. I will head to the church and make sure that everything is set up for tomorrow and then join my prayer warriors to pray through the church in preparation for tomorrow. Then I will come home with my heart lifted high and ready for a wonderful day of worship tomorrow.

Rest was a good thing .... there are good things yet ahead.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

I love those precious rest days. Come on over and curl up with your legs on my lap. We'll sip tea (ok, you can sip tea - I'll gulp coffee) and we'll rest and recuperatie and relax together. Good times my heart friend, good times.