Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meeting Woes

It is late and I just drove home over the mountains ... well foothills to come home. I had a Budget and Finance meeting in Salem that went late. It was a very wearing meeting.

On reflection the thing that wore on me the most was one of the committee members. I can remember thinking at one point, "This man has the people skills of a kumquat". That might have been too generous. He is very skilled but he does not always deal well with people. And he seems blissfully unaware of his lack of people skills.

It makes me wonder if I am that out of touch with the reactions of the people around me. I sure hope not. I remember saying to someone in my office just today, "It is people that matter. When in doubt protect the relationship." I think I feel so passionately about that because I have lost relationships that were very important to me .... over some pretty unimportant things.

I hope that in my life Christ's love will automatically pour through me to others. Well I have a feeling that it might not always be automatic. I will probably have to work on it. Sometimes I do better than at it than I do at other times.

But at least tonight I did not tell my problem child he had the people skills of a kumquat. I guess it is a start .....

Just Connie

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