Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pastor's Group

I met with a group of pastors today. I came away from that meeting tremendously blessed. It was everything you would hope a group like that would be. It was warm, caring and very affirming. We talked about the reality of our ministerial role vs the perceived role. We talked about officiating today's weddings. We talked about the difficult things that we all face. The conversations grew out of very real issues we are facing in our ministries.

So often as pastors we are isolated by our ministerial roles. In a small community like this sometimes there is competition between churches and between the pastors. Sometimes we are hesitant to be vulnerable to those we consider our peers. Sometimes we fear that we are the only ones struggling with certain issues. Thankfully that is not the case here. There is a growing trust between us that transcends our fears and uncertainties.

I am very grateful for my fellow pastors who are willing to be real, willing to let the barriers down and all work together to reach our community. I think that this partnership can do more for us and for our churches than we could ever do on our own.

In fact what it is offering to me is pretty great all on its own.

Just Connie

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